WV Climate Action
West Virginians sharing information & taking action to address climate change
Mountain Lakes Preservation Alliance
WV Environmental Council
Check out this new publication, a primer about climate change, written for West Virginians by West Virginians
A new publication released by the WV Climate Alliance (Sept 2020)
This free guide is intended for people who are concerned about climate change and want more information. Its purpose is to provide factual, objective information on the science of why climate change is occurring; identify key impacts of climate change in West Virginia and across the globe; and outline some potential solutions.
"In 2016, Adelheid Schaupp brought the Greenmont Bear home to Green Street, where it has been brightening the neighborhood ever since. Now the Ursa Gaia Community Art Project, a collaboration between Morgantown Art Party and West Virginia Climate Action, will give Ursa Gaia some brightening of her own. The bear’s fresh coat of paint will feature native West Virginia species like the Monarch butterfly, in danger of extinction. Kathryn Williamson, founder of West Virginia Climate Action, painted the butterfly on Ursa Gaia this week. Climate change has made the Monarch caterpillar’s food source, milkweed, too toxic, prompting discussion about protecting the butterfly under the Endangered Species Act." (Morgantown Magazine 9/17/20)
URSA GAIA Community Art Project in Morgantown
The Ursa Gaia Project is a community art-science based collaboration between Morgantown Art Party and West Virginia Climate Action. Local artists are invited to join in and paint one of too many endangered WV species on Ursa Gaia, the Greenmont Bear.
Check out news coverage in MORGANTOWN MAGAZINE & DOMINION POST
Check out the April 7, 2020 webinar "Climate Solutions for WV,"organized and hosted by WV Climate Action. The webinar presents key steps WV can take to Solve Climate by 2030 (more details below). Introduction to the national Power Dialog: Solve Climate by 2030" project here.
West Virginians, let's take climate action and take this moment to inspire and connect with each other during April 18-25, 2020
We continue to be inspired by Greta Thunberg, Fridays for the Future, and the global youth movement for climate justice.
Covid-19 has shown how fragile our health and economic systems are to extreme events. Scientists have also told us clearly that, unchecked, climate change will turn our lives into a series of unending extreme events: floods, droughts, rising seas, pests and disease, more extreme storms and hurricanes, leaving hundreds of millions of people homeless and on the move.
There is still time to change that future.
Millions across the world are taking part in Global Climate Actions in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22. Let's join them in demanding a stable climate, stable jobs, and a just transition toward renewable energy.
Online, streaming, and social media events in West Virginia are being planned from Sat. April 18 through Sat. April 25.
Be sure to join the WV Climate Action Facebook Group where you can get ideas, post your events, and network with others across the state
Ideas for students and educators:
Do an online "teach in" or a special climate activity and have students make posters.`
Make posters, hang them in your front window, post them onlilne, and and take pictures for social media.
Wear green t-shirts and climate badges.
Watch Greta Thunberg’s TED Talk
Watch Global Weirding episodes from PBS
Partner with a local organization to do a physically-distant Community Action Project
Ideas for workers:
Call for a just transition for WV energy workers
Contact your city council and government representatives to ask about their plans for a just transition to renewable energy for WV workers.
Have a Zoom lunch-in where you discuss climate and energy for your workplace.
Write a letter to the editor of your local news outlet.
Organize an online training or panel discussion for your workplace, school, library, or church.
Pick a day where you feature vegetarian food
Commit to transitioning to paper or compostable utensils and containers
Use social media to spread the word #WVClimateAction #JustTransition #Fridaysforfuture
Talk about climate action with your family members and friends.
Organize a virtual walk or run for the planet.
Eat vegetarian for a day or for the week
Read a book about climate change and host a virtual book club meeting about it. Participate in the #climatebookclub conversation on Twitter!
Create climate-inspired artwork: Chalk art! Hang posters in your front window! Wear green!
Watch Video: “Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming”
Join Drawdown Campaign & Eco Challenge.
Plant a tree Note that, as with many of these actions, this won't solve climate change, but it could stimulate attention if you take a picture of it and post on social media)
Document you actions! Use social media to spread the word #WVClimateAction #JustTransition
Email WV Climate Action for more info: WVClimateAction@gmail.com
LINK TO "CLIMATE SOLUTIONS FOR WV" WEBINAR. The April 7, 2020 Power Dialog Webinar "Climate Solutions for West Virginia" (1 hour, 5 mins) is part of Bard College's "Solve Climate by 2030." The webinar is available to the pubic and to teachers and high school and college students for classroom/online use. "Climate Solutions for WV" panelists discuss key state and local actions that can put WV on the path to solving climate change by 2030. The webinar is one of 50 simultaneous "Power Dialogs" conducted in almost every state.
PANELISTS: West Virginia University Professor of Law James Van Nostrand and WV State Delegate Evan Hansen discuss energy policies that can create jobs and move WV to a more diverified energy economy. Professor Robert Duval, WVU School of Public Health, addresses the connection between climate change and coronavirus and the health impacts of climate change. WVU Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Kathryn Williamson, offers strategies and discusses the importance of engaging students in climate discussions and solutions.

Greta Thunberg
School strike for climate - save the world by changing the rules.
Katharine Hayhoe
The most important thing you can to to fight climate change: Talk about it!
Here's the list of September 2019 climate actions. April 2020 list coming soon
The City of Morgantown has passed a resolution proclaiming the week of September 20-27, 2019 as the
"Week of West Virginia Climate Action"
WV Climate Action Sponsors & Organizers
Our goal as organizers is to help coordinate communications and publicize actions. We invite you to join the WV Climate Action Facebook Group where you can get ideas, post your events, and network with others across the state. Please help spread the word and invite all of your contacts and networks to participate. Let’s show West VIrginia's enormous support for climate action!
Morgantown Citizens' Climate Lobby (morgantownccl@gmail.com)